Id Atlas

A large black fortress in Hell. Despite the size and grandeur of this structure, the entrance of this site was relatively weakly guarded, inhabited mostly by Imps and a lone Cacodemon.

"Hell is a strait and dark and foulsmelling prison, an abode of demons and lost souls, filled with fire and smoke. In earthly prisons the poor captive has at least some liberty of movement, were it only within the four walls of his cell or in the gloomy yard of his prison. Not so in hell. There, by reason of the great number of the damned, the prisoners are heaped together in their awful prison, the walls of which are said to be four thousand miles thick: and the damned are so utterly bound and helpless that, as a blessed saint, saint Anselm, writes in his book on similitudes, they are not even able to remove from the eye a worm that gnaws it."


Hell keep

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